
Senin, 21 November 2011

Top 10 Odd Jobs that require a big HEART, only in Indonesia!

Are U Know

10. coolie Building
The building is one of the porters of this list, yes the work is heavy and full of risk is simply not commensurate with the work portion of his wages. When the year 1998 to 2002 the wages of construction workers only reached Rp20.000-50,000 / day. Not to mention, they are often under pressure from the foreman, foreman or building owners who are not satisfied.

9. Foods salesman
Yes, one of whom was a traveling salesman, a pretty strenuous job because they have to take a walk around the city around. This work requires that profit-seeking as much as possible with their own business. Sometimes the behavior and sometimes lonely no buyers. And clever-clever mix of food vendors.

8. Building Glass Cleaners
Work with the highest risk menaikki glass skyscrapers quietly for the sake of earning money to meet their needs and their families. This work is actually equivalent to the Office Boy, or Cleaner.

7. Shoe shine
Shoeshine is a work chosen by small children when they have dropped out of school or are unable to take the path of education. Indeed, in the end of this job is a job that requires little capital with little income, too.

6. gardener
This job requires you to take care of the garden with a beautiful and well maintained. Employers will always say "Do not let any of my flowers this beautiful broken if you do not fired!". We do not know when the plant-eating animals / disasters will plant it?

5. grave-digger
Leave it to them when it comes to digging! This work is an appalling job, judging from their wages uncertain given by people who are concerned with the corpse to be buried on the ground.

Pedicab handyman
Most useful first vehicle this minimalist, it's been almost forgotten its use, in because of the banning of rickshaws go into great streets. And again Ojek be one of the public transport options

3. helper
This work is work that is risky for women. Most village women migrate to the city and become a servant. Indeed, aide salaries can now be fairly. However, this work sprti this is what we often get the news on TV. Lots of them female servants who are victims of violence, rape, harassment, etc..

2. Driver of public transportation (public transportation)
Driver Angkot name suggests, is a fairly odd jobs, they dare to ignore the traffic police. Casually, they stop lowering the passenger and the passenger wishes to raise in any way that the results make jams everywhere. because it often makes the city that have been added jammed jammed his way to work.

1. scavengers
Scavengers or garbage collector does a bad job, but what power because there is no other work and they must meet the needs of his family. It's also one of the selected job by the kids who drop out of school and then go help my father / mother to pick up the rubbish that is very much in Indonesia. Possible income is Rp 5,000 until 50,000
per day. Not many people who care for this noble work.
By. Are U Know

Minggu, 20 November 2011

The Origin of Dice

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The shape is trivial, namely that the six cube sides in the form marked point ranging from one to six points. If you look, the point - the point at two areas that are dealing always has 7. For example, point 1 is paired with six points, three points paired with point 4, and point 2 pairs with point 5. That's the dice that stores mathematical laws of probability.

Allegedly, dice cube with a similar practical pendandaan modern craps has been around since 600 BC, even 2000 BC, based on the evidence of several dice were found during excavation of the tomb in China and Egypt. While in India, since more than 2000 years ago, there have been the first written record of the dice in the Sanskrit epic, the Mahabharata.

According to Sophocles (495-406 BC), discovered by a Greek dice when the attack on Troy. while Herodotus (484-425 BC) argues, the nation Lydia - an ancient kingdom in western Asia Minor in the reign of Atys - as the originator of the idea of
​​making dice. But two archaeologists rejected that opinion. According to they the invention, dice already in use at the beginning. Included in that group is the North American Indians, Aztecs and Maya. Island communities around the Pacific, Eskimo, and Africa. they have a game with dice of various materials, shapes and strange way of tagging.

Dice - dice are derived from the seeds of plums and peaches, seeds, bones of deer and oxen, deer antlers walnut grain leather, marble, ceramics, and beaver teeth and moles.
In the next civilization in Greece, though dice are generally made of bone and ivory, there are made by bronze, and the various rocks began to marble, agate, crystal oniks, porcelain, etc.. shape was not only a cube but a pyramid, penthahedral, and octahedral with a number of variations of the surface.

In primitive societies the original dice tool to predict the future. typically, made from sheep's ankle bones are marked in the four fields.Then, the dice so old plaything. type of game too many and varied. One group of people who like games with dice is the ancient Romans. It was shown in the pictures on the wall of a tavern Pompeli about some people who were playing dice. Pompeli city buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79, the Romans called her dice tesserae.

They also have a dice marked on four sides is called a rope. Some tesserae found at Herculaneum. In the play, the numbers out on the dice unpredictable, but anyone tried to set it fraudulently, Dadu "cheating" is never found in the tombs of Ancient Egypt. East Asia, and North and South American cemetery.

The dice are not perfect cube created by slicing one or more fields so that the shape is more like the smell of brick. The result, dice will often land on a wider surface, and the numbers on the reverse is often out. This technique is often used. Another way is to give additional weight just below the surface of one of the fields. As a result, the field would otherwise be more frequent.

In his journey, which continues to cube shaped dice used up to now, even spread to various parts of the world. Dice nowadays usually of plastic. There are two kinds, perfect and imperfect. the perfect type most often used in the casino. In the dice perfectly angled lines meeting the two sides sharply, its size must also be appropriate. Acceptable tolerance of the standard trade size is 0.0013 cm!

While not perfect dice often played everyday, such as checkers or snakes stairs. These dice have a line meeting and obtuse angles. When the dice perfectly made by hand, then the dice are made with imperfect machinery.
By. Are U know

Fanaticism Fashion Hair Evidence

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Madness someone of something is sometimes interpreted in a way that is unique, even bizarre in the eyes tend to lay. Most plural for example, mimic the famous fashion hair styles such as pony style of The Beatles in the 60's, the style of Demi Moore in the movie 'Ghost' in the 90's, and more.

If hair idols to imitate the style was used anyway, but what if once his love for gadget manufacturers like 'Apple' and then imitate them raw logo 'Apples Groak' is? Or see what Nick Sayers below. He mimics the pattern of a soccer ball or something, huh?

Lest you have any other unique hair style photo? Try it.

By. Are U Know

What Causes People Being left-handed?

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Researchers who study the trend of one-hand use in humans has been agreed that the choice hand side (right or left), most likely the cause is determined by biological and genetic factors that are passed from generation to generation. They argue that human development requires that human beings as social beings interact among themselves and improve their verbal skills and language to support such interactions. This of course requires the development of the left hemisphere is adequate, because as we know, verbal ability and language more governed by the left hemisphere of the brain. Because the left brain also controls the right side of body movements, especially the hand movements required to produce written language, so most people in this world (about 85%) would be more inclined to use their right hand.

So why there are still people (about 15%) are left-handed? Genetic theory presented above explains the tendency of the use of one hand side is governed by a gene that has a pair of alleles (two manifestations of the genetic properties of genes in the same location). These alleles are alleles of the gene D (short for dextra, latin language which means the right) that carry the gene trait of right-handed individuals. And the other allele is the allele of the S gene (short for the left, then left).

If an individual has a spouse DD allele, then that person will be right-handed. When individuals have a pair of alleles DS, it can be right-handed individuals or can be left-handed because the two alleles have the same properties and do not cover each other strong, so depending on the choices and habits of the individual is to be a right-handed or left-handed. And lastly, people who are left-handed individuals have a pair of alleles SS.

This theory may explain why most people are right-handed. This is because the gene D allele is more often found so more is inherited as part of an individual's genetic inheritance. On the other hand this theory can also explain the existence of right-handed children in families with parents left-handed and also the opposite of a left-handed child in a family with right-handed parents. Because, for example elderly couple who both have the DS allele (right-handed to left-handed or can be) will have a child with 4 possible combinations of pairs of alleles that DD (right handed), DS (can be also right-handed or left-handed) and SS (lefty).

Apart from genetic factors above, the trend of use of one side of the hand is also affected by external factors such as cultural factors, environmental and social. Because as described above, individuals with DS allele pairs have a chance to become right-handed or a left-handed as much. So that individual choice may be influenced by the habits of family and neighborhood where he grew flowers. Other factors such as defects of one hand may also influence the choice of hand used. Because a person would normally use the stronger parts of his body to do the activity.
By. Are U know

Reaction of the Body While Inhaling Cigarettes

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Smoked a cigarette that someone will run out in 10 gust and within five minutes. However, in such a short time there are 4,000 types of chemicals that penetrate the body's organs. See what reaction happens when you smoke.

The first 00-10 seconds
In the first puff, cigarette smoke going into your mouth and leaves a thin layer of chocolate in your teeth. Toxic gases such as formaldehyde and ammonia are inhaled will make the immune system causing inflammation to be vigilant.

Once inside the throat, smoke cigarettes will slow the cilia, which charge a small sweeper to clean the respiratory system from harmful particles. Meanwhile, the nicotine which rose into the air directly into the blood vessel through the millions of capillaries in the lungs.

When nicotine enters the adrenal glands, the body will feel the jolt of energy that triggers the adrenaline so that blood pressure and heart rate increase. As a result, the heart of the difficulty to relax between heartbeats so that the risk for stroke increases.

At the same time, carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke will begin to accumulate in the blood so the body's ability to deliver oxygen to vital organs is reduced.
Through the bloodstream, nicotine enters the brain and certain nerve cells responded by rushing the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine which give a good feeling. This is why smoking creates a feeling of addiction.

After 5 minutes
After the dopamine levels back to normal, the body wants the high feeling again, though we are not aware of it. When we often satisfy these desires, the brain will get used to and begin to appear addictive flavor. Consequently, it would be difficult for you to quit smoking. Although cigarette you've turned off, still accumulate in the body contain toxic for the next 6-8 hours.
By. Are U know

Osama Conspiracy Theories Death warmed up

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U.S. Special Forces raid had been upset with Osama bin Laden's version put forward by former Navy SEAL Chuck Pfarrer. In fact, the command is called a book written Pfarrer is fabricated.
"This is not true. That's not what really happened, "said U.S. Special Forces Command spokesman Col. Tim Nye of the book titled 'Target SEAL Geronimo' is. Geronimo is the code name Osama ambush operations.

The book contains the theory of conspiracy attack by the administration of President Barack Obama and the White House. Pfarrer claim to know what sebenarn
it occurs when the SEAL ambush bin Laden's house in Abottabad, Pakistan.
Sales of the book was amazing, even become one of the 20 best-selling book in a week. Pfarrer appeared in various media, receiving interview requests from anywhere. He kept going to different venues to promote it.

"I have the truth. I've interviewed several field crews and related resources on the existence of a second helicopter, "he said, referring to the second Navy SEAL helicopter containing the reserve team.

Nye, representing Laksmana Bill McRaven, said Pfarrer fabricated story. McRaven is a SEAL commander who oversaw raids last May as head of the military anti-terrorism unit. According to Nye, McRaven worried it will make people hesitate.

He also asserted, Pfarrer did not have access to the troops who joined Osama ambush mission. In addition, there would be no investigation into whether a SEAL talk with Pfarrer, because her account confidential.

Among his claims about the U.S. government conspiracy surrounding the ambush bin Laden, Pfarrer insisted that the helicopter crashed in the White House said the initial surgery, actually fell a few moments later.

SEAL, he added, immediately carry out their mission according to plan. Namely secretly landed on top of the building while a second team stormed through the land. Pfarrer pointed to, what to do with Osama is a murder.

But it was legal, because according Pfarrer, Osama was about to take his gun to protect themselves. While officials said it involved an ambush, Pfarrer miss the news that killing members of Al Qaeda are allowed, pascatragedi 11 September 2001.
Of course, Pfarrer still survive defend his book. Men who will use the book royalties for the treatment of this cancer was declared, it is a patriotic way to find who the real heroes behind the ambush that killed Osama.

"A privilege to help troops and platoons continuous assigned missions with a special target. In this category it is not true, "he continued.
The most controversial thing he expressed in the book, Osama killed 90 seconds after the mission carried out. Not after a 45-minute firefight, which have been claimed as the White House. Of course, this statement refuted the U.S. government.
By. Are U Know

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